ALIA is seeking expressions of interest from anyone wishing to join the ALIA Community on Resource Description (ACORD).

ACORD is the ALIA Special Interest Group which aims to support the Australian resource description community. ACORD carries forward the role previously played by the Australian Committee on Cataloguing (ACOC), which was formally dissolved in May 2019, after 40 years of serving the Australian cataloguing and resource description community.

ACORD aims to facilitate, foster and, where appropriate, lead

  • Information sharing about resource description issues
  • Engagement in resource description issues from all sectors of the library and cultural heritage communities that are involved in resource description (including libraries, collecting institutions, and support services such as book vendors, cataloguing agencies and training providers)
  • Co-operation on activities and initiatives within the Australian resource description community
  • Development of frameworks for skills training and education in the field of resource description
  • Development and maintenance of standards
  • Investigation, definition and promotion of best practice for data exchange
  • The representation of the Australian resource description community in the development of international resource description standards (e.g. representation on ORDAC and the EPC).

ACORD functions as a Special Interest Group, providing events, activities and information for participants, as well as a key role in the Reparative Description Community of Practice. The ACORD Committee will also establish working groups to carry out work in key areas of interest to the resource description community, such as standards for resource description, training, professional development and accreditation.

ALIA is seeking colleagues who are involved in resource description and metadata creation activities. We seek people keen to share their knowledge and expertise with the broader resource description community.  We are particularly seeking expertise in the following areas:

  • Development of standards for resource description, in particular RDA and Dewey Decimal Classification
  • Library and Information System development
  • Professional education and development in resource description in University, TAFE and commercial contexts, in particular, the development of micro-credential frameworks
  • Working with Indigenous and other cultural collections.

Applicants should be willing to commit to a three-year term, and be able to attend regular meetings and actively contribute to the work of ACORD. ALIA Membership is preferred.

There are currently four-six vacancies on the Committee. Your expression of interest should be no more than 300 words, and should include a description of your professional background in resource description and particular areas of expertise or demonstrated professional interest that would be of benefit to ACORD.

Expressions of interest should be submitted to no later than 19 April 2024.

Enquiries about ACORD can be directed to:

Nicole Hunt –

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